Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friendship Who Is A True Friend

    We all have friends. A lot gets talked about friendships. Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend. What kind of relations do friends share? When can we call a friend a true friend, and when can our friends take us as their true friend. After a romantic relationship, friendships are the most important relationships we can have. Though all of us have family and distant family, most of us rely on friends for advice, comfort and inspiration. How do we define a relation that can be called as one of true friendship?
   The very first sign of a very good friend, not necessarily a true friend is that we are not worried about courtesies. You will call your friend at any hour and talk without any thought of time in your mind. Similarly, whenever you need support, you will call a very good friend and ask him/her to help you out. They expect the same from you. Another important trait of such relations is that we are not much worried about exposing ourselves. We speak about everything in our mind without worrying about what our friends will think. We are sure that they will take our talk in the spirit it was made. We are unguarded and open with friends in our talk.
A true friend is a little more than a very good friend. A true friend will support you even if it hurts his/her own interest. A true friend will understand your motives and needs and will be with you without any analysis or criticism. A true friend will come forward to help without any request and be with us in need without showing it or expecting anything in return. With a true friend, you can be sure that you will get help to the extent possible by him/her. Nothing will remain unturned. A mother is a true friend of her children. If we share such relations with an adult we can say that we are true friends.

   A true friend makes no excuses of having work or appointments or anything but will be with you whenever you need him/her. In your hour of desperation, a true friend will support you even if the whole world opposes you. A true friend is not an opportunist. A true friend means to have someone who is like mother, as I said earlier. Instead of having hundreds of good friends, if you have a true friend, treat yourself lucky. If you can also become a true friend of someone, you will be blessed, because it is much easier for all of us to expect but very difficult to give. Be a true friend yourself first.

Ten Things You Can Do Right Now To Find Your Perfect Mate

1. Start by losing the losers
If you want to find your soul mate you must be available and not involved with people that aren't right for you. Staying available is hard for a lot of singles, but necessary for finding the love of your life.
2. OK, available now? Next... are you "ready?"
Any unfinished business that might sabotage your next relationship? Legal, financial, emotional, kids, ex, employment? Get it handled!

3. Next, make a list of your top five "requirements"
Requirements are non-negotiable deal-breakers; what you must have or must not have in your relationship. Vow not to get involved with anyone that doesn't meet all five. Share your list with your closest friends and make them swear to tell you the truth and lock you up if you get off-track.

4. Good job. Now, let's get crystal clear about this "dating" thing:
If you want to avoid the deadly dating traps, focus on these Four Steps for Conscious Dating:
Step One: Scouting (find compatible people to meet- internet, through friends, getting out there, etc)
Step Two: Sorting (quickly determine if someone you meet has potential)
Step Three: Screening (collect enough information to know if your requirements would be met)
Step Four: Testing (date a few times and compare the reality with the information)
Repeat as needed.
That's it... nothing more, nothing less. No "trial relationships," no fun flings; just these four steps.

5. Get support
Don't do this alone. Dating can be scary and isolating, and your friends and family can be your safety net to help you stay on track.

6. Work it!
Most people meet their soul mate through someone they already know, so let people know you're looking and network like crazy.

7. Be positive and happy
Success breeds success and misery loves company... your choice.

8. Be the Chooser!
Go after what you want and don't simply react to what or who chooses you.

9. Be assertive!
If you settle for less, you'll get less. Ask for what you want and say "No" to what you don't want.

10. Live a great life NOW while you're single. "If you build it, they will come" (from the movie "Field of Dreams").
Finding your perfect mate is a combination of working on yourself so that you're ready to attract and keep this wonderful person, and being proactive in your life to go after what you want instead of waiting for it to come to you, or hoping it will just "happen."

Best wishes in your journey to find the love of your life and the life that you love.



Mukadimah pembuka kata yang paling selalu aku gunakan..
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya aku ada satu 'diari' utk aku titipkan segala apa saja yang aku lakukan saban hari..
Sekali lg aku tegaskan, im not a gud writer..
A gud writer should be able to make ppl feel da journey he/she makes..
But aku hanya 'a describer'
Tidak mampu utk menulis mngunakan perkataan2 yang bombastik dan menyentuh setiap jiwa yg mmbaca
Ttp mampu membawa pembaca mengenal dan mengalami serba sedikit
Perjalanan aku yg bergelar hamba tuhan di muka bumi ini..

Erm.. Tahun 2010 membawa banyak erti kepada aku
Suka, duka, tawa, canda
Semuanya ku lalui dgn hati yg redha
Alhamdulillah, seorang insan yg pernah menjadi sebahagian dari hidup aku telah byk membuka mataku
Ya, aku buta
Terlalu buta utk menyedari betapa banyaknya nikmat yang telah ALLAH S.W.T kurniakan kepadaku..
Aku terlalu tuli untuk mendengar segala kekuasaan Maha Esa sehinggalah aku ditunjukkan dengan ujian yang sebenar
Dan aku terlalu bisu untuk mengatakan walau sekali, Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat yang Kau kurniakan padaku
Segala kemewahan yang aku agungkan selama ini
Dengan tiba2 hilang
Dan meragut keangkuhanku selama ini..
Kau Maha Hebat
Dan Kau Maha Kuasa
Tiada apa yang kekal dalam dunia pinjaman ini.

'Sometimes we're up and sometimes we're down'
Tiap2 yg berada di atas pasti akan berada di bawah jua..
Itulah yang kau ajar padaku..
Terima kasih
Pemergianmu ku tangisi dengan kesyukuran
Walau berat utk akuterima
Terima kasih Ya Tuhan
Kerana mengirimkan malaikat dunia ini kepadaku
Terlalu banyak yang aku pelajari
Sehinggakan saban hari aku menangis
Menangis kerana terlalu banyaknya cobaan yang Kau turunkan padaku
Namun aku pelajari sesuatu yang tidak pernah ku miliki
Seolah2 aku memiliki harta yang plg byk di dunia..
Dan ia adalah..

Aku masih lagi menangis
Tapi tangisanku tidak sia-sia
Kau telah tunjukkan aku
Caranya untuk kembali ke jalan yang lurus
Aku redha Ya Allah
Andai malaikat dunia itu kau ambil dari sisiku
Aku pasrah
Andai itu takdirnya..
Segala yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya..

Satu lagi pesanku
Jangan pernah menangis kerana cinta
Menangislah kerana takutkan Allah s.w.t

Amin, Ya Rabal Alamin

atiqa azamuddin
6.17 pm
18 mac 2010